Sunday, June 7, 2015

Assignment 6

I utilized two of my own old photographs and pieced them together to create a whole new idea about zombies. It is meant to show how we can be oblivious or not care about a situation because we are constantly exposed to violence. The zombie is made up of paper to show that we ignore physical/hardcopy proofs of events instead we view digital as the real now. The blood is symbolism of lose of knowledge because we are letting the digital world suck us bone dry and passing this behavior down to our children as well.

It seems I have taken a gory approach to this assignment in both my images and I unfortunately couldn't stay away from it. This one however is  multiple found images of two famous people scarface an actor and 2pac a rapper. This image is a play on words it is meant to explain that violence is usually the center of entertainment which makes this actor and rapper famous. It is setup as a Billboard to promote the typical advertising ploy that the world is yours if you are willing to perform violence or promote violence. It is setup in the city as to really shine light on the situation that most who perform come from cities.

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