Sunday, June 7, 2015

Assignment 6

I utilized two of my own old photographs and pieced them together to create a whole new idea about zombies. It is meant to show how we can be oblivious or not care about a situation because we are constantly exposed to violence. The zombie is made up of paper to show that we ignore physical/hardcopy proofs of events instead we view digital as the real now. The blood is symbolism of lose of knowledge because we are letting the digital world suck us bone dry and passing this behavior down to our children as well.

It seems I have taken a gory approach to this assignment in both my images and I unfortunately couldn't stay away from it. This one however is  multiple found images of two famous people scarface an actor and 2pac a rapper. This image is a play on words it is meant to explain that violence is usually the center of entertainment which makes this actor and rapper famous. It is setup as a Billboard to promote the typical advertising ploy that the world is yours if you are willing to perform violence or promote violence. It is setup in the city as to really shine light on the situation that most who perform come from cities.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

assignment 5 perliminary image

I utilized two of my own old photographs and I am piecing them together to create a whole new idea about the mimes/clowns. It is meant to show a whole new realm of what a mime means today in our society. The shear idea of clowns is usually to entertain whereas these individuals are oblivious to it and bored. The clown is made up of paper to show the pure fact that it is an old idea and no longer holds our interest instead our documents are kept digitally. I plan to incorporate a cellphone into the middle guys hand to also show that the father is neglectful of not only his son's boredom but the idea of escaping reality. The background is starting to bubble at the back because it is meant to look like a backdrop as if the clown is trying to find another place to go to get some laughs.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

assignment 3

The Images that I created deal greatly with politics not only because this lesson and medium expresses politics so well but also because a lot of my personal life deals a lot with American federal laws and constructs. What initially started off with me thinking about the fact that I am struggling with the pressure of being a single parent turned into going further. I dug deeper into politics to really understand my struggles. The first is financial hardship due to educational loan debit, medical debit, credit card debit, etc. I have not been able to hold a job due to the very fact that I have had tons of health issues such as cancer and seizures.

Both images relate back to the medical system which is controlled by the government explaining how it has failed to help those with multiple health conditions especially during the worst times. In both images I show Obama sense it is a big discussion of his policy of Obamacare. Sense he has been in office more people have been jobless and forced to still get health insurance. This is very significant for me because in the state of Florida those that even have no income cant get on Medicaid unless they have a child in the household. My son was withheld from me due to divorce technicalities up until a couple of months ago causing me not to be able to even obtain medical which of course caused me medical debit due to my conditions.

When choosing the other images I made sure to be very selective on them as to avoid cliches. Lego bricks are used in the first image to explain how we the people have become powerless unable to move because someone else controls the placement of the bricks also known as what we are able to do. The other image has chains because we are forced to obey because if we do not want to go hungry we better listen. Then there are references to Obamas role in office which seems to fit a socialist or communist approach. Then there is references to medical by the sheep which represent Dolly and her clone; though this cloning was not done during Obamas time as president it explains how Obama has some hidden reasons to taking over the medical system. The robot in the first image stares at the word disaster explaining that we better wake up because there is more coming because science is backing the medical system. Technological machines and soon robots are replacing the need for workers forcing people to obey becoming just a number. This number is then explained further in the second image with the barcode as if we are being sold or buying into the bribing the government does to us and also shows a dollar with a stamp saying not to be used to bribe politicians. So it shows the double standard that government is allowed or being allowed to bribe us but we are not allowed to do the same to the government.


Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Assignment 2

original image

 1. Transform-flip, resize zoom, tilt to right
2. layer adjustment- curves auto, curves greens boosted up on histogram for dark point and light point, saturation set to +4

1. Transform- resize zoom, tilt to left
2. layer adjustment- curves set to auto
1. transform- flip, resize zoom, tilt to right
2. adjustment layer- saturation put all the way down, curves boost for red with the black point and white point, yellow hue added
1. transform- flip, resize zoom, tilt to right
2. layer adjustment- saturation put all the way down, curves white point set on top of watch at highlight
 1. Transform- resize zoom, tilt to right
2. layer adjustment- Saturation dropped all the way down, curves black point placed on hairline and white point placed on paper, curves placed on my face only boosting green up for black and white points to match drawing color

1. transform- resize zoom
2. layer adjustment- curves set to auto, saturation boosted to +8
transform- resize zoom
layer adjustment- curves set to auto, saturation boosted to +8
 transform- resize zoom
layer adjustment- curves set to auto, saturation boosted all the way up, hue blue added, hue yellow added
 transform- resize zoom
layer adjustment- curves set to auto, saturation boosted all the way up, hue blue added, hue yellow added
 1. transform- resize zoom
2. layer adjustment- curves set to auto, saturation boosted to +2
 1. transform- resize zoom
2. layer adjustment- curves set to auto, saturation boosted to +2
 1. transform- resize zoom
2. layer adjustment- curves set to auto, saturation boosted all the way up

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Assignment 1

Scanned image of myself jpeg
I am constantly comparing my features to what my son looks like it is amazing to see how much he looks like me and how we change as we age.

Image saved off of Google Earth jpeg I am always using Google Earth I find it very interesting to see how often they update their imagery. This is of my house and I can tell it is very outdated because those bushes are no longer there anymore we have flowers and the house next door has much more plants.

My inspiration screenshot png taken from my pinterest decoration board. I am always trying to find great ways to be artistic while still being able to make money as well.

Webcam jpeg image snapped to show me in my bedroom with my boyfriend, drawn and in the photographs behind me, one of my drawings of him is on the wall as well, and his son is in images as well along with my schedule of things I have to do on the dry erase board.

My son (before having his haircut) and I taken with my smartphone it is also a jpeg image. Family is always very important to me and due to money reasons I have to cut my son's hair myself this is a monthly thing. My son loves getting his haircut so it is a bonding moment for us.

My son (after haircut) and I taken with my smartphone jpeg image. My son is picking at his tooth because he got a piece of candy like he would if he went to an actual barber shop.